
What is Bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an infection of the bronchi in the lung. This can be viral or bacterial. In most cases it is viral. A bacterial infection mostly leads to a pneumonia.[nbsp]

What are the Symptoms?

The symptoms are mainly fever and cough. With a generalized infection such as influenza virus (flu) other symptoms like sore throat, headache and aches and pains accompany the bronchitis. The cough can be dry or productive. The cough can be associated with pain in the chest. If the small bronchi are narrowed through the inflammation an asthma type picture can develop with breathing difficulties (dyspnoea) and wheezing. Then it is called an obstructive bronchitis.

What are the complications?

An obstructive bronchitis can cause dyspnoea, which can lead to heart and lung problems if not treated on time.

Therapy and infection risk?

Each virus infection is contagious. The therapy of a virus infection is symptomatic. No antibiotic therapy is needed. In case of an obstructive bronchitis the treatment is similar to an asthma attack. The therapy goal is to open the bronchi and improve breathing.

Dr. Ahmad Zia, M.D.

Kaiserdamm 97
14057 Berlin

Phone:   030 - 81 30 30 37
Fax: 030 - 55 65 31 73